Welcome to the official website of the Bear Creek Missionary Baptist Association, Inc. Important information and resources can be found here for members and visitors to know more about this great association. The Association has a proud history and has long been a place of worship where the members have practiced their faith and found the strength and courage for showing their faith throughout the world. The Association believes that God is still saving souls and transforming lives for the up-building of his kingdom in the 21st Century. Yet the work is still to seek and save all that are lost with a eternal destiny.
Currently the Association has three Unions - Eastern, Western and Progressive along with 28 membership churches.
The Bear Creek Missionary Baptist Association is affiliated with the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the National Baptist Convention, USA.
Thank you for visiting with us. May the Lord fill you with his love, hold you with his peace, and bless you with his favor now and always. For there is a blessing at the "CREEK!